Primary Logo Examples
Final Dimensions: 630px x 126px, PNG 24, Transparent Background. Note: Please scale logo to fit within the template window. Do not stretch or squish.

The TiVo Homepage Hero is your premier solution for captivating and engaging audiences.
This flagship ad unit offers brands a dynamic platform to showcase their message with precision-targeted, data-driven advertising. Enhance your reach and maximize your impact by leveraging TiVo’s advanced technology to connect with viewers across all devices.
Featured Image is a high-impact visual designed to capture immediate attention and convey your brand's message at a glance. Positioned prominently, this image sets the tone for your campaign, drawing viewers in with stunning visuals and compelling content.
Prominently display the Primary Logo of promoted brand or program. If no logo is available, title will appear as the text submitted on the intake form.
Placement for an affiliated provider logo. (If applicable)
Video will play after a few seconds of dwell time on full screen ad view.
Please complete the form and click submit.
Final Dimensions: 630px x 126px, PNG 24, Transparent Background. Note: Please scale logo to fit within the template window. Do not stretch or squish.
Final Dimensions: 120px x 60px, PNG 24, Transparent Background. Note: Please scale logo to fit within the template window. Do not stretch or squish.
To ensure that viewers of all ages have a safe and enjoyable viewing experience, we can promote a movie or TV program via an ad with a rating higher than the parental control rating, provided:
For movies and TV shows without an unrestricted age rating, we recommend creating a harmless, positive impression by displaying only brief scenes where the following content is either absent or merely implied: