Home Page Hero

The TiVo Home Page Hero is your premier solution for captivating and engaging audiences.

Provider Logo

Placement for an affiliated network/provider logo. (If applicable).

View Media

Featured Image

Featured Image is a high-impact visual designed to capture immediate attention and convey your brand's message at a glance. Positioned prominently, this image sets the tone for your campaign, drawing viewers in with stunning visuals and compelling content.

View Media

Ad Copy

Download the copy worksheet. Provide a program title, a brief description of the program—limit copy to 150 characters. Then, select which call-to-action you'd like to utilize.

View Media

Title Logo

Prominently display the Title Logo of promoted movie or show. If no logo is available, title will appear as the text submitted on copy worksheet.

View Media

This flagship ad unit offers brands a dynamic platform to showcase their message with precision-targeted, data-driven advertising. Enhance your reach and maximize your impact by leveraging TiVo’s advanced technology to connect with viewers across all devices.

Home Page Hero Specs

Simply provide everything on the advertiser’s checklist.

Ad Component

Advertiser’s Checklist

Please provide the below

Final Output

By TiVo

Featured Image

See Example

1920px x 1080px


Layered PSD


1920px x 1080px

Max File Weight:

915 KB



Title Logo

See Example

630px x 126px or Larger


PSD, AI, EPS, or PNG with transparent background


630px x 126px


White or light colored PNG

Provider Logo (Optional)

See Example

120px x 60px, or larger


PSD, AI, EPS, or PNG with transparent background


120px x 60px


White or light colored PNG

Ad Copy

Download and fill out copy worksheet

Program description and call to action (CTA) submitted via copy worksheet



1920 x 1080px




6-30 seconds

Maximum file size:




Video Codec:


Video Bitrate:

12mbps+ preferred

Audio Bitrate:

at least 128kbps

Audio Codec:


Loudness Level:

-24 LKFS +/- 2dB

True Peak Level:


Same As Provided

Ad Component

Advertiser’s Checklist
Please provide the below


1920px x 1080px


Layered PSD

Final Output
By TiVo


1920px x 1080px

Max File Weight:

915 KB



Advertiser’s Checklist
Please provide the below


630px x 126px or Larger


PSD, AI, EPS, or PNG with transparent background

Final Output
By TiVo


630px x 126px


White or light colored PNG

Advertiser’s Checklist
Please provide the below


120px x 60px, or larger


PSD, AI, EPS, or PNG with transparent background

Final Output
By TiVo


120px x 60px


White or light colored PNG

Advertiser’s Checklist
Please provide the below

Download and fill out copy worksheet

Final Output
By TiVo

Program description and call to action (CTA) submitted via copy worksheet

Advertiser’s Checklist
Please provide the below


1920 x 1080px




6-30 seconds

Maximum file size:




Video Codec:


Video Bitrate:

12mbps+ preferred

Audio Bitrate:

at least 128kbps

Audio Codec:


Loudness Level:

-24 LKFS +/- 2dB

True Peak Level:


Final Output
By TiVo

Same As Provided

Media Resources

Featured Image

Featured Image

Featured Image is a high-impact visual designed to capture immediate attention and convey your brand's message at a glance. Positioned prominently, this image sets the tone for your campaign, drawing viewers in with stunning visuals and compelling content.

  • Use engaging imagery that pertains to the promotion.
  • Make sure the essential elements of the featured image are within the “safe zone.”
  • Send high resolution, layered Photoshop files.

  • Don’t send flat graphics with logos, titles or copy embedded.
  • Don’t provide low-resolution, blurry imagery.
  • Don’t send heavy files; try to keep it under 100MB.
  • If essential elements are outside the “safe zone” they may be covered by copy, menu or title.

Title Logo

Title Logo

Prominently display a white or light colored Title Logo of promoted movie or show. If no logo is available, title will appear as the text submitted on copy worksheet.

  • Ensure logo is white or light colored to stand out against the darker background of the user interface.
  • Provide a very large logo. Our team can reduce file dimensions to fit within the 630 x 126 window without losing quality. But we cannot enlarge your file without losing quality.
  • Provide PSD, AI, EPS, or PNG file with transparent background.

  • Don't provide a flat logo image with opaque or solid background.
  • Don’t provide stretched or squished logo.
  • Don’t embed logo in Featured Image. Send separately.

Provider Logo

Provider Logo

Placement for an affiliated network/provider logo. (If applicable). Please use a white or light colored version of the logo.

  • Ensure logo is white or light colored to stand out against the darker background of the user interface.
  • Provide a PSD (larger than specified dimensions), AI, EPS, or PNG logo file with transparent background. If sending the logo in the same PSD file as the featured image, make sure they are on separate layers.

  • Do not embed the logo in an image.
  • Don’t send stretched or squished logos.
  • Don’t send logos smaller than specified dimensions.
  • Note: TiVo can safely resize logos to be smaller, not larger.

Ad Copy

Ad Copy

Download the copy worksheet.
Provide a program title, a brief description of the program-limit copy to 150 characters.
Then, select which call-to-action you’d like to utilize.

  1. “Watch Now”: Play Content (on demand), Direct Tune (live tv – U.S. only)
  2. “More Info”, Launch Info Card Overlay:
    1. Options available will be:
      1. “Record” for single episode or event showing
      2. “Create OnePass” for series level content
  3. “Coming Soon”: No action

Submit Media Assets

Media assets should be emailed to: AdCreative@TiVo.com.
Include a ZIP file of assets or send a link to where we can collect the files.
Submit assets 7 business days prior to flight.

File share programs we recommend:

Ad Content Restrictions

When promoting a movie or a TV program, the ad does not necessarily have the same rating as the movie or the TV program itself. To provide viewers of all ages with a safe and enjoyable experience, we match the ad with the parental control rating and follow the guidelines below:

  • If the ad includes an age rating, it can only be shown if the rating is equal to or less than the parental control setting.
  • If the ad does not have an age rating, we will review it and internally assess whether it is suitable for an unrestricted group or matches the parental control rating, using the criteria listed below
  • If the ad includes artwork, we will review the artwork and internally assess its suitability for an unrestricted group or ensure it matches the parental control rating.

Criteria List:

For movies and TV shows without an unrestricted age rating, we recommend creating a harmless, positive impression by displaying only brief scenes where the following content is either absent or merely implied:

  • Combative or aggressive atmosphere
  • Realism and credibility
  • Violence and war
  • Frightening or threatening moments
  • Sex, drugs and gambling
  • Discrimination
  • Vulgar language